Let’s Fly. - Captain Michael Burnham
Get to know your storytelling guide…
I want to embark on a journey of creativity and imagination together as we dive into the realm of writing:
In a nutshell - I am grateful to be alive and to have the ability to share my stories. (see photo)
I started interpreting the Ragnarok story sometime in the 2014-2015 timeframe. It began with Heinrikr’s story and led up to me really evaluating the role alcohol played in my life. I toyed around with different ideas and different scenarios of how to write, and how to think about writing. (This would be the intensive I have been writing a bunch of stuff to get it down, and now I am listening to how Stephen King thinks about writing, and how Neil Gaiman describes Norse Mythology; the Prose Edda etc… Rabbit hole after rabbit hole of trying to learn how to creatively express the story I had uncovered.
I fell in love with Star Trek, Lord of The Rings, etc. Classic nerdy things at an early age. Studied physics, studied education, searching… Searching for something to hold on to.
An understanding of my place in the universe. The closest I can find is through these interpretations as I call them.
I have been interpreting the lives of Kara, Astrid, Heinrikr, Aelska for almost a decade now. Beginning with an idea of how their adventures would play out in table top D&D style game that my friends and I could do.
Well I started crafting a world after I was able to open a doorway to their reality. I was painting a sketch of where these people lived, and had to understand why they did what they did. Some came through just it making sense, other came through surprising interactions with my characters.
They are the answers to questions I didn’t know how to pose at a time where life wasn’t shaping up to what I had expected.
07-05-2024 - Ringing the graduation bell at Cardiac Rehab @ the Mayo Clinic
Note: Edited with the Pillars of Creation